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作家相片: Jason JiangJason Jiang

Develop abilities necessary to Mastery in Rainbow Six Siege


Skill is the ability to act competently. Skills are an integral part of development in virtually any area of life, and Rainbow Six Siege is not an exception. Siege is a very complex shooter that requires players to acquire various skills, both functional (aim) and knowledge-based (map knowledge).

This guide aims to highlight essential skills and their components that you will need to develop to step up your game in R6 Siege. Be wary of articles or guides that promise extreme improvement instantaneously. Such content intends to capitalize on our tendency to search for shortcuts and instant gratifications. The only way to improve skills is to practice them. There’s no substitution to time and effort put into practicing a skill over and over again.


The most crucial aspect of success in Rainbow Six Siege is getting map knowledge. R6 Siege puts map knowledge importance on a whole new level thanks to destructibility of the map and breaching possibilities in the game.

I believe that map knowledge is the biggest challenge new players will encounter in this game. Rainbow Six Siege has been out for few years and most of DLC seasons brought new maps to the pool, which only broadens the gap between new players who try to jump into game and old-timers who know every corner of older maps. Know that feeling lost is entirely understandable, and it will take time for you to learn maps! WHAT MAP KNOWLEDGE MEANS?

On a basic level, knowing map means being familiar with:

  • map’s layout

  • objective sites locations

  • routes to certain areas.

For advanced level of map knowledge, we would name such aspects as knowing:

  • call-outs without a need to check compass

  • walls and hatches that have to be reinforced/destroyed

  • commonly used routes and angles

  • spawn peek locations

Mastery of a map means being able to:

  • create your angles and ambushes

  • wall bang without a mark

  • pre-fire common spots


Becoming familiar with maps is very simple but time-consuming process.

All it requires is for you to play the map repeatedly. That’s basically it. Play the game, pay attention, and you will eventually learn.

You could get the best theory, but at the end of the day, you need to gain real experience.

Unfortunately, besides Newcomers playlist Rainbow Six Siege does not offer an option to choose maps you want to play in PvP. Therefore, you cannot decide which map you want to focus on while playing casual or ranked modes.

The only modes where players can select maps are:

  • Terrorist Hunt Players can choose maps for TH in options->matchmaking preferences. T-hunt is a good option for general practice and warm-up in Rainbow Six Siege. From maps perspective, it can help you with understanding basic map layout. On the other hand, TH is not a useful mode for learning objectives and commonly used routes.

  • Custom game Fully customizable mode, usable by both new players who want to learn maps basics. A useful tool for advanced map knowledge gain, as well. Great for learning basic map layout as you can traverse the map without any drawbacks. Useful for playing around with maps and utility to figure new tactics and angles.


On top of knowledge about map layout, objective locations, and destruction opportunities, it is crucial to learn strategies for each objective site.

Thanks to advanced destructibility and a broad choice of operators, strategies available in Rainbow Six Siege are virtually limitless.

There are, however, basic strategies and priorities for most objective sites that we all should learn. Such basic knowledge helps players on how to attack, as well as defend.

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